Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to Sell eBook

For selling eBooks need to prepare ebook itself, other make a cover ebooknya. Ebook cover is important as part of product promotion and first communication with the prospect. Therefore important to prepare eye catching cover for the ebook.

Another important thing is the price. Decide prices depend on book quality and market prices that offer by competitors. The quality means added value that will be shared to your readers. More value added the reason for higher price. It's not depend on the number of pages, this is more focus on quality not quantity.

eBooks can be promoted in various media. You can offer it through your own blog. Show the 3 dimension cover and the promotion can be add by ebook review. Visitors who see the promotion of the book can be contact by email, phone or other communications media that provided.

You can offers also at your online store. eBook can sell also at your community or popular webs with high-level visit by viewers. eBook can sell too at popular online shop like Amazone, eBay, PayPal, Lulu, Payloadz, thecontentbazaar, smashwords, clickBank and others. 

To increase revenue ebook can be insert with ad. Keep in cooperation with the advertising companies that have a product or service offerings accordingly. This is important when build a blog anticipate the product or service that related with blog content,

To Increase sales can be done also by increasing the number of sales reps. ebook can be sold by other parties with sharing profit. This is important to joint the communities and maintain relationship with the members. The eBook can be sold directly or they can be partner to sell to their networking.

Payment can be set by direct transfer into your bank account or online payment through media such as paypall or alertpay.

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